A Secret Pleasure: Elwira's Diary

· 2 min read
A Secret Pleasure: Elwira's Diary

Today was a typical Tuesday at school. I had classes in the morning and then lunch with my friends. As usual, after lunch, we went our separate ways and I headed home alone. But when I arrived, something unexpected happened – my boyfriend was waiting for me outside! We had made plans to meet up that day and he wanted to surprise me. So of course, I was very excited to see him.

We hugged each other tightly and then he asked if we could go upstairs together since it was so hot outside. At first, I hesitated because my parents were home but then he promised not to make any noise so I agreed. We both snuck up the stairs into my bedroom where no one would be able to hear us or see us through the windows.

The minute we were inside, his hands started wandering all over my body as if they were searching for something hidden away just beneath the surface of my skin – something naughty and forbidden that only he knew existed within me.  teen porn lesbian  felt like electricity running through me and before long, his lips were upon mine in a passionate kiss that left me breathless and wanting more from him than ever before.

Eventually, he suggested that we go take a shower together which sounded like an amazing idea considering how hot it was outside today (not to mention how sweaty our bodies had become!). As soon as the warm water touched our skin it felt like heaven on earth! We embraced each other tightly while kissing passionately under the stream of warm water cascading down upon us both – it felt like nothing else in this world mattered anymore except for us two being there together in that moment of pure blissful joy...until suddenly things got even more naughty!

He began lightly spanking my bottom with his hand which sent sparks shooting throughout every inch of my body - it felt absolutely incredible! With each spank came a new wave of pleasure washing over me until eventually we both reached simultaneous crescendos of ecstasy unlike anything either one of us had ever experienced before! Afterward, we lay there in bed exhausted yet still filled with love for one another knowing that this secret pleasure shared between us would always remain sacred forevermore...

After yesterday's secret rendezvous between myself & my boyfriend (which ended up being much hotter than expected!), today naturally seemed rather dull by comparison but nevertheless still quite enjoyable nonetheless!  teen porn  consisted mostly of getting caught up on some homework assignments & catching up on some studying while also attempting (albeit unsuccessfully) to get back into some sort of regular routine again after such an extraordinary eventful day yesterday...

Today started off pretty similarly to yesterday however around mid-afternoon things took an exciting turn once again when out-of-the blue; my boyfriend unexpectedly called asking if I wanted to come hangout at his place tonight instead? Of course without hesitation said yes immediately knowing full well what kind activities could potentially occur later this evening ;) Fast forward several hours later & here I am now about ready sneak out behind everyone’s back once more…fingers crossed everything goes according plan this time round as well!!